The OpenFOAM Foundation
Announcements of OpenFOAM Releases since version 1.0 in 2004
Supporting organisations currently provide €250k for maintenance of OpenFOAM, i.e. of the order of 0.1% of the revenue of big commercial CFD. This current total is inadequate. Funding needs to rise to €500k this year, and continue to rise similarly over the next 3-4 years. Organisations with commercial dependence on OpenFOAM should contribute to the cost of sustaining it.
The OpenFOAM Foundation provides Maintenance Plans for organisations to support sustainability. There are three levels of Plan: Platinum (€ 100k per year); Gold (€ 25k); and, Silver (€ 5k). The funding supports a full-time team of core developers with combined skills in software design, programming, numerics, science and engineering, at CFD Direct (including OpenFOAM’s creator, Henry Weller).