
OpenFOAM Funding 2024

Get a Maintenance Plan to fund OpenFOAM Sustainability and meet funders, core team and contributors at the OpenFOAM Hub.

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CFD Training with OpenFOAM, 2024

Principles of CFD¹ | Essential CFD² | Applied CFD² | Programming CFD²

¹Classroom Training, Cologne Germany and Chicago USA

²Live Virtual Training on Europe and Americas time zones

Schedule and Book

OpenFOAM and The OpenFOAM Foundation

OpenFOAM is free, open source software for CFD from the OpenFOAM Foundation.


OpenFOAM is packaged for simple installation on Ubuntu Linux, which can be directly installed on Windows and macOS.

Latest News

OpenFOAM Maintenance Plans

Using OpenFOAM for critical applications? Ensure ongoing maintenance of OpenFOAM, prioritised to your needs.

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Learn to use OpenFOAM

Access documentation, and enrol for training, from the OpenFOAM experts.

User Guide

General information about running OpenFOAM, compilation, solvers, models, mesh generation and post-processing.

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OpenFOAM Training

CFD Training based on features to simplify use, and accelerate learning, from the main developers at CFD Direct.

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C++ Source Guide

The C++ Source Guide, generated by Doxygen has links to source code, inheritance and collaboration diagrams, and more.

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Free and Open Source

OpenFOAM is free and open source, distributed only under the
GNU General Public Licence v3

OpenFOAM Licensing

OpenFOAM Development

OpenFOAM is developed by contributors led by Henry Weller, creator of OpenFOAM and Director of CFD Direct & The OpenFOAM Foundation

Contributors to OpenFOAM

Discover the people behind OpenFOAM and how they contribute to the project.

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Report a Bug

Help identify, report and fix bugs through the OpenFOAM issue tracking system

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How to Contribute

Requirements for making effective, sustainable and meaningful contributions to OpenFOAM 

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