

OpenFOAM 8 Released

The OpenFOAM Foundation is pleased to announce the release of version 8 of the OpenFOAM open source CFD toolbox. Version 8 is a snapshot of the OpenFOAM development version which, through sustainable development, is always-releasable. It provides new functionality and major improvements to existing code, with strict demands on usability, robustness and extensibility. OpenFOAM 8 includes the following key developments:

  • Multiphase: selectable interpolation for interface-capturing, PLIC scheme.
  • Reacting multiphase: consolidated multiphaseEulerFoam solver and model development.
  • Transport: new MomentumTransportModels and ThermophysicalTransportModels libraries.
  • Thermophysical: thermodynamics and equation of state models, data input, refactoring.
  • Surface Film: huge performance improvements and better surface handling.
  • Heat transfer: better numerics and case setup, new thermal comfort modelling.
  • Particle tracking: renamed uncoupled solvers, improved tracking efficiency, injection.
  • Other models: transient/steady-state solvers, boundary conditions, reactions.
  • Mesh: improved snappyHexMesh and blockMesh, face centre calculation, cyclic patches.
  • Function Objects: improved visualization/field, residence time and configuration.
  • Case Configuration: new configuration/initialisation tools, coded Function1.
  • Computation: better data I/O, field caching, support for Arm processors.

22nd July 2020

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OpenFOAM 7 Released

The OpenFOAM Foundation is pleased to announce the release of version 7 of the OpenFOAM open source CFD toolbox. Version 7 is a snapshot of the OpenFOAM development version which, through sustainable development, is always-releasable. It provides new functionality and major improvements to existing code, with strict demands on usability, robustness and extensibility. OpenFOAM 7 includes the following key developments:

  • Heat transfer: consolidated solvers and improved convergence and robustness.
  • Particle tracking: improved robustness and optimized computation.
  • Multiphase: wave damping, configurable inlet phase properties, better settling numerics.
  • Reacting multiphase models: heat transfer, population balance, breakup, coalescence, etc.
  • Reactions/combustion: simplified case setup.
  • Turbulence: improved consistency and stability of wall functions, added sources.
  • Thermophysical: thermodynamic functions, temperature-strain-dependent viscosity.
  • Other models: atmospheric, rigid body dynamics, boundary conditions, sources.
  • Mesh: standardized dynamic mesh capability, improved motion solvers.
  • Case Configuration: improved data visualization, setup tools, function objects.
  • Computation: improvements to containers, fields, parallel running, etc.

8th July 2019

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OpenFOAM 6 Released

The OpenFOAM Foundation is pleased to announce the release of version 6 of the OpenFOAM open source CFD toolbox. Version 6 is a snapshot of the OpenFOAM development version which, through sustainable development, is always-releasable. It provides new functionality and major improvements to existing code, with strict demands on usability, robustness and extensibility. OpenFOAM 6 includes the following key developments:

  • Conjugate heat transfer (CHT): improved usability, with simplified set up and running.
  • Rotating/sliding geometries: more robust AMI, and support for periodic cases.
  • Particle tracking: optimised computation and improved robustness.
  • Reacting multiphase models: phase change, reactions, drag, breakup, coalescence, etc.
  • Reactions/combustion: faster, full algebraic Jacobian, significant code redesign.
  • Other models: water waves and films, turbulence, thermophysics, atmospheric flows.
  • General: new case setup tools, boundary conditions, function objects, etc.

10th July 2018

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OpenFOAM 5.0 Released

The OpenFOAM Foundation is pleased to announce the release of version 5.0 of the OpenFOAM open source CFD toolbox. Version 5.0 is a snapshot of the OpenFOAM development version that is “always-releasable” quality, through rapid-turnaround feedback between code maintainers and users. It provides new functionality and major improvements to existing code, with strict demands on usability, reliability and maintainability. It is produced for the benefit of all users, rather than a handful of commercial organisations. OpenFOAM 5.0 is distributed under the General Public Licence by the OpenFOAM Foundation for:

  • Ubuntu Linux: packaged installation for Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04 and 17.04;
  • Other Linux: installation with a Docker container; or compilation from source code;
  • Windows 10: installation using Windows Subsystem for Linux with Ubuntu packs;
  • macOS: installation with a Docker container.

26th July 2017

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OpenFOAM 4.0 Released

OpenFOAM version 4.0 is a major new version of OpenFOAM that increases CFD productivity by significant improvements to general usability, post-processing, case management and software management. It provides a solid platform for the future, sustainable development of OpenFOAM through reimplementation of core and major libraries, over 120 bug fixes and much better consistency, robustness and performance. It is packed with numerous new and improved boundary conditions, new rigid body dynamics libraries, and developments in turbulence and transport modelling, meshing, ACMI and multiphase, reacting flow. OpenFOAM 4.0 is supplied as:

  • a packaged installation for Ubuntu Linux — the simplest installation option for OpenFOAM;
  • a source pack for compilation on other Linux distributions.

28th June 2016

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OpenFOAM Repo: 5. Compiling OpenFOAM

With the Third Party software installed and environment updated, compile OpenFOAM by going into the OpenFOAM-dev directory.  It contains a script named Allwmake which can execute the compilation in serial, by default, or parallel with the -j option.  It can also compile multiple libraries and executables simultaneously with the -q […]

1st May 2016

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OpenFOAM Repo: 4. Third Party Software

OpenFOAM relies on third-party software packages for some important tasks: Scotch, PT-Scotch and Zoltan for domain decomposition and redistribution for parallel running. This is essential for non-trivial geometries for which simpler bisection-based methods produce inefficient decompositions. ParaView visualization application. This is essential for interactive pre- and post-processing, but may not […]

1st May 2016

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Upgrading RHEL 6 Packages for OpenFOAM

As the root user (e.g. typing sudo -i), programming tools can be installed by executing the following commands in a terminal: yum groupinstall ‘Development Tools’ yum install openmpi openmpi-devel yum install epel-release yum install –nogpgcheck qtwebkit qtwebkit-devel yum install –nogpgcheck CGAL CGAL-devel The Boost C++ library is installed automatically for […]

30th April 2016

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