OpenFOAM v6 | Patch Releases
For Ubuntu 16.04LTS, 18.04LTS, 18.10, 19.04 and Windows 10 and Docker images for other Linux and macOS
The OpenFOAM Foundation
For Ubuntu 16.04LTS, 18.04LTS, 18.10, 19.04 and Windows 10 and Docker images for other Linux and macOS
OpenFOAM packs for Ubuntu 18.04LTS
For Ubuntu 14.04LTS, 16.04LTS, 17.04, 17.10, 18.04LTS, Windows 10 and Docker images for other Linux and macOS
For Ubuntu 14.04LTS, 16.04LTS, 17.04, 17.10, 18.04LTS, Windows 10 and Docker images for other Linux and macOS
We reached 59% of our target of €250k funding for OpenFOAM in 2018 through commitments from supporting organisations to purchase OpenFOAM Maintenance Plans.
The development line of OpenFOAM is now packaged for Ubuntu 17.04, codename zesty. The deb pack, openfoam-dev, is distributed from the OpenFOAM Foundation download repository and includes the latest features and bug fixes for OpenFOAM.
OpenFOAM is now packaged for Ubuntu 17.04, codename zesty. The deb pack, openfoam4, is distributed from the OpenFOAM Foundation download repository and includes the latest bug fixes released with OpenFOAM version 4.1.
We reached our funding target of €100 k for maintenance of OpenFOAM in 2017.
OpenFOAM is now packaged for Ubuntu 16.10, codename yakkety. The deb pack, openfoam4, is distributed from the OpenFOAM Foundation download repository and includes the latest bug fixes released with OpenFOAM version 4.1.
The packaged build of OpenFOAM-dev for Ubuntu 14.04LTS and 16.04LTS now includes object libraries for Scotch 6 to support mesh redistribution when running snappyHexMesh in parallel.