
5th July 2024

Compiling OpenFOAM from Source Code

The development of OpenFOAM is accessible to the public through the OpenFOAM source code repositories at GitHub. At any given time there are two active repositories, as follows.

  • OpenFOAM-dev: the current development line of OpenFOAM, that contains the source code for the next major release of OpenFOAM.
  • OpenFOAM-?: the source code for compilation on Linux distributions, including all the latest bug fixes.   The name of the active repository includes the current major version number, i.e. currently OpenFOAM-12.

In addition, there are corresponding repositories with scripts and instructions for installation of Third Party software used by OpenFOAM, e.g. ThirdParty-dev.

Installation of the the source repositories of OpenFOAM involves the following steps.

  1. Installing Software for Compilation, etc.
  2. Downloading the OpenFOAM Source Code.
  3. Setting the OpenFOAM Environment.
  4. Installing Third Party Software.
  5. Compiling OpenFOAM.

Next: 1. Installing Software for Compilation