


The OpenFOAM Foundation Contributor Agreement

The OpenFOAM Foundation Contributor Agreement transfers ownership of OpenFOAM code or grants sufficient rights to the Foundation to allow it to be able to take legal action against those who infringe the OpenFOAM licence — thereby protecting the interests of all who have contributed to it.

17th April 2018

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OpenFOAM Funding

The OpenFOAM Foundation needs €250k annually to maintain OpenFOAM. We provide maintenance plans to fund this ongoing cost.

4th December 2017

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OpenFOAM for Chemical and Process Engineering

OpenFOAM is developed, maintained and redesigned for CFD simulation in Chemical and Process Engineering. It is backed by the Process Engineering Consortium — a group of organisations who share a common interest in the sustainability of OpenFOAM who support OpenFOAM and the OpenFOAM Foundation through the following activities: 1) pooling resources to fund general code developments, repairs and redesign; 2) meeting annually to review the latest OpenFOAM development and maintenance work; 3) steering developments of new functionality; 4) cultivating collaborations between the OpenFOAM development team and modelling groups; 5) contributing example test cases, testing new functionality and providing feedback to developers.

30th November 2017

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Funding OpenFOAM in 2018

We reached 59% of our target of €250k funding for OpenFOAM in 2018 through commitments from supporting organisations to purchase OpenFOAM Maintenance Plans.

2nd October 2017

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Maintenance Plan Contact

Thank you for you interest in an OpenFOAM Maintenance Plan.  Please enter your details below to contact us and we will respond shortly.

21st September 2017

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Supporting OpenFOAM Maintenance

OpenFOAM is mature, open source software for computational fluid dynamics (CFD). It rivals the major, proprietary, commercial CFD software in size and functionality. If your organisation uses OpenFOAM, it is critical to you that OpenFOAM is maintained to a high standard. We provide 3 sponsorship levels to fund the maintenance of OpenFOAM: Silver at €5k; Gold at €25k and Platinum at €100k. All levels put the organisations in contact with the OpenFOAM team via The OpenFOAM Hub, an online messaging system. Gold supporters also benefit from assistance to help their CFD group maintain important analysis capabilities and workflows. Platinum supporters benefit from assistance with their long term strategic goals with OpenFOAM, including managing major architectural changes to OpenFOAM.

20th September 2017

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Download v5.0 | Linux

OpenFOAM 5.0 for 64 bit distributions of Linux including Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v7+, CentOS v7+, Fedora v22+, SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) v12+, openSuSE v13+ and Debian 8+. Uses Docker to provide a self-contained environment that includes code, runtime, system tools and libraries, independent of the underlying operating system.

26th July 2017

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OpenFOAM Parallel I/O

When an OpenFOAM simulation runs in parallel, the data for decomposed fields and mesh(es) has historically been stored in multiple files within separate directories for each processor. Processor directories are named processorN, where N is the processor number.  In July 2017, the new collated file format was introduced to OpenFOAM-dev in which the data for […]

7th July 2017

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