


OpenFOAM 5.0 Released

The OpenFOAM Foundation is pleased to announce the release of version 5.0 of the OpenFOAM open source CFD toolbox. Version 5.0 is a snapshot of the OpenFOAM development version that is “always-releasable” quality, through rapid-turnaround feedback between code maintainers and users. It provides new functionality and major improvements to existing code, with strict demands on usability, reliability and maintainability. It is produced for the benefit of all users, rather than a handful of commercial organisations. OpenFOAM 5.0 is distributed under the General Public Licence by the OpenFOAM Foundation for:

  • Ubuntu Linux: packaged installation for Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04 and 17.04;
  • Other Linux: installation with a Docker container; or compilation from source code;
  • Windows 10: installation using Windows Subsystem for Linux with Ubuntu packs;
  • macOS: installation with a Docker container.

26th July 2017

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Download v5.0 | macOS

OpenFOAM 5.0 for macOS 10.10.3+ . Uses Docker to provide a self-contained environment that includes code, runtime, system tools and libraries, independent of the underlying operating system.

26th July 2017

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OpenFOAM-dev | Ubuntu 17.04

The development line of OpenFOAM is now packaged for Ubuntu 17.04, codename zesty. The deb pack, openfoam-dev, is distributed from the OpenFOAM Foundation download repository and includes the latest features and bug fixes for OpenFOAM.

16th April 2017

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OpenFOAM v4.1 | Ubuntu 17.04

OpenFOAM is now packaged for Ubuntu 17.04, codename zesty. The deb pack, openfoam4, is distributed from the OpenFOAM Foundation download repository and includes the latest bug fixes released with OpenFOAM version 4.1.

16th April 2017

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Download v4.1 | macOS

OpenFOAM 4.1 for macOS 10.10.3+ . Uses Docker to provide a self-contained environment that includes code, runtime, system tools and libraries, independent of the underlying operating system.

18th January 2017

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OpenFOAM v4.1 | Ubuntu 16.10

OpenFOAM is now packaged for Ubuntu 16.10, codename yakkety. The deb pack, openfoam4, is distributed from the OpenFOAM Foundation download repository and includes the latest bug fixes released with OpenFOAM version 4.1.

5th November 2016

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OpenFOAM 4.1 Released

OpenFOAM version 4.1 is a patch release of version 4.0 with approximately 50 commits that fix critical issues, improve usability and consistency in the code. As a patch release, we strongly recommend users of v4.0 upgrade to this version; users of the packaged version for Ubuntu (openfoam4) can receive 4.1 as part of a system upgrade. OpenFOAM 4.1 is supplied as:

  • a packaged installation for Ubuntu Linux — the simplest installation option for OpenFOAM;
  • a source pack for compilation on other Linux distributions.

13th October 2016

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