


OpenFOAM-dev & Scotch 6 | Ubuntu

The packaged build of OpenFOAM-dev for Ubuntu 14.04LTS and 16.04LTS now includes object libraries for Scotch 6 to support mesh redistribution when running snappyHexMesh in parallel.

12th October 2016

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OpenFOAM 4.0 Released

OpenFOAM version 4.0 is a major new version of OpenFOAM that increases CFD productivity by significant improvements to general usability, post-processing, case management and software management. It provides a solid platform for the future, sustainable development of OpenFOAM through reimplementation of core and major libraries, over 120 bug fixes and much better consistency, robustness and performance. It is packed with numerous new and improved boundary conditions, new rigid body dynamics libraries, and developments in turbulence and transport modelling, meshing, ACMI and multiphase, reacting flow. OpenFOAM 4.0 is supplied as:

  • a packaged installation for Ubuntu Linux — the simplest installation option for OpenFOAM;
  • a source pack for compilation on other Linux distributions.

28th June 2016

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OpenFOAM Core Support

A significant part of producing a large piece of software like OpenFOAM is often loosely termed “maintenance”.  We use the term to encompass all activities that support inclusion of new functionality and continued interoperability with dependent software (e.g. compilers, third-party applications and libraries), including the following. Code Design: (re-)writing code, modifying interfaces to enable new, […]

3rd May 2016

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OpenFOAM Resources

CFD Book for OpenFOAM C++ Source Guide The C++ Source Guide, generated by Doxygen has links to source code, inheritance and collaboration diagrams, and more. Go to Guide OpenFOAM Technical Guides A collection of guides and articles about computational fluid dynamics with OpenFOAM from its core maintainers and contributors Go to Guides OpenFOAM Training CFD Training based […]

25th April 2016

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OpenFOAM Development

Contributors to OpenFOAM OpenFOAM is developed by a team of individuals supported by the companies that employ them.  Find out who contributes to OpenFOAM. Read More Report Issues & Fix Bugs You can get involved with OpenFOAM by reporting bugs on our issue tracking system.  If you report a bug, take responsibility over its resolution: […]

24th April 2016

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. Read More Go to the CFD Book OpenFOAM Funding 2024 Get a Maintenance Plan to fund OpenFOAM Sustainability and meet funders, core team and contributors at the OpenFOAM Hub. Read More CFD Training with OpenFOAM, 2024 Principles of CFD¹ | Essential CFD² | Applied CFD² | Programming CFD²¹Classroom Training, Cologne Germany and Chicago USA²Live Virtual Training on Europe and Americas time zones Schedule and Book OpenFOAM and The […]

31st March 2016

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